I have just read an article on "www.austriantimes.at" and it talks about the European Parliament election. Basically what it says is that the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) was the biggest looser at the election. They only won fice mandates, two less than in 2004. The "winner" at the election was the People's Party (ÖVP). They won six mandates. "EU rebel" Hans-Peter Martin came third with 3 mandates. Right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ) won two mandates and the Greens (Grünen) won 1 mandate. The Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ), the Austrian Communist Part KPÖ and the Young Liberals (JuLi) failed to enter the European Parliament.
The participation at the election was not very high. Only 42,4 % voted. Around 78 % voted in the early general elections of September 2008.
What surprised me most was the fact that Hans-Peter Martion became third with 3 mandates. I haven't known that this is such a "popular" Party.
As for me, I was not at the election because I am too young. If I were sixteen, I did not desert me wheather to go to the elections or not because I am not very interested in politics.